21 Awesome Benefits of Having Artificial Grass in Your Garden

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Benefits of Having Artificial Grass in Your Garden

If you’re considering a move to artificial grass, here are 21 reasons why it’s genuinely a good idea to fake it!

1. No More Mowing


Perhaps the biggest benefit to artificial grass is that it doesn’t need mowing. The best thing about this is how much time it frees up – you can spend Sunday afternoons doing something else instead!

There are so many benefits that go alongside this. Your lawn mower won’t need ongoing maintenance or repairs, in fact – you can sell it on altogether! There’ll be more room in the garden shed as well as a couple of pounds to invest elsewhere too!

2. No Watering the Lawn


During summer, natural grass often struggles with the lack of rain and difficult conditions. Real grass often goes brown, or even develops bare patches, due to the stress of the season. Then, of course, there’s always the chance a summer hosepipe ban will come along to really shake things up…!

In fact, real grass can be so high maintenance that we’ve even written several trouble shooting articles on how to keep grass green

Artificial grass doesn’t need watering so it cuts down on effort and minimises your water bill too. Result!

3. No Feeding the Lawn


Feeding a natural lawn to keep it green and healthy can be time-consuming and expensive. If you’re someone who loves a neat lawn, you’ve possibly already lost hours to fertilising and feeding the grass at least once a year. If this is a routine you’d rather be rid of, I’ve got two words for you – artificial grass!

All of the aesthetic benefits, none of the fertiliser hassle!

4. Easy Maintenance


Ok, so we’ve covered the fact that you won’t need to mow, water or feed the lawn, but there are actually loads of other jobs you’ll avoid by installing artificial grass.

There’ll be no need for scarifying, aerating or weeding the lawn either. Plus, no weeds means no need to ever have to use chemical weed killers – great news if you’ve got pets or young children. You won’t even have to worry about squirrels digging up your lawn or worm casts making an unsightly mess.

Sure, artificial grass occasionally needs some attention – but it’s nothing like the time-consuming work of natural grass. There are specific brushes for tending to fake lawns and you can even get lawn hoovers to make the job as quick as possible. 

5. It’s Allergy Free


As many of us know only too well, grass is one of the main triggers of hayfever.

If you or your family members are fed up of sneezing your way through afternoons spent in the garden, artificial grass could offer a very worthwhile solution.

Hayfever from airborne grass seed occurs from spring to late autumn, which is a long time to be feeling uncomfortable outside. Plus, hayfever is triggered when the lawn is mown too, so it would be great to avoid that problem as well with the help of a fake lawn.

Bottom line: artificial grass can save a lot of discomfort and reduce the number of medications you need to take for hayfever.

6. It’s Kid Friendly


Artificial grass creates a clean, and attractive play area for kids. Children can run and crawl on it without there being any accidents involving mud, stones or even ants.

We all want our kids to go outside more and abandon that Nintendo (or whichever console it is that they’re using nowadays – am I showing my age?). Artificial grass can offer a clean, comfortable place for kids to sit and hang out – it might just get them outdoors that little bit more often!

7. It’s Elderly and Disability Friendly


Elderly folk or people with disabilities can benefit from having artificial grass for several reasons.

As mentioned, it’s low maintenance. The no-mow aspect can help people take pride in their garden when they can’t handle a mower. On top of this, many types of artificial grass are less slippery than real grass when wet, creating less of a hazard. Similarly, when it’s laid on a flat surface, artificial grass doesn’t develop holes and dips that can cause falls.

8. It’s Safe For Your Pets


If you’ve wondered how artificial grass copes with pet-related concerns, you’ll be pleased to learn that it’s definitely still a viable option for those with dogs and cats. Artificial grass is perfectly safe for pets. Plus you don’t have to worry about your dog eating your grass (yes, we’ve written a whole article on this!).

Fake grass is durable enough to withstand repeated trampling (whether that’s by two feet or four paws) and wee is absorbed through the mesh. Solids, such as poo, just need to be picked up the same way you would on natural lawns. Afterwards, you can simply hose it down with some detergent.

9. No More Mud


Finding mud tracked into the house from the garden can be a real pain.

You let the dog out for a late-night toilet break, or the kids (plus their friends) run back into the house without removing their shoes first, and you instantly have mud on the carpet. A nightmare!

Artificial grass means there’s no mud to track through the house; plus there won’t be any ugly mud patches on the lawn either. Basically – there’s no more mud. Cream carpets rejoice!

10. It’s a Money Saver


Artificial grass can cost a bit to set up; however, in the long run it’ll save cash.

There are so many things you’ll no longer have to pay for. For example: running the lawn mower, maintaining the mower, buying grass seed, purchasing moss killer, and paying for any other lawn-maintenance items. 

The average lifetime of good quality artificial grass is approximately 15 years. So you won’t have to worry about these extra costs during all that time.

11. Perfect for Holiday Homes And Rentals


If you have a rental home occupied by a tenant, or a holiday home you don’t spend a lot of time at, then artificial grass is a great option to consider.

Artificial grass is a great option for rental homes as its low maintenance and always looks smart. You won’t need to ever worry that your tenant isn’t looking after the garden. If you have a holiday home, you may be paying a professional gardener to cut the grass – artificial grass could save you a lot of money.

12. It’s Always Green


Artificial grass always looks bright and cheerful even in the dreary winter months. A pop of colour in the garden during a freezing February day will be a very welcome sight!

13. It Doesn’t Look Fake


Artificial grass has moved on from the AstroTurf lawns of 50 years ago. These days, artificial grass looks real and there are lots of different types, lengths, and colours to suit your preference. You’ll even be able to choose grass based on its appearance, depending on how you’d like your new lawn to look.

14. It’s Long Lasting


Artificial grass can last for years without any further investment required. As previously mentioned, high-quality artificial grass can last for 15 years and continue to look great. Just make sure you buy good quality materials and install everything correctly.

15. Specifically Useful in High Traffic Areas


If you generally enjoy having a real lawn, but there are certain areas always look a mess – artificial grass could be a real help.

It doesn’t have to be used across your whole lawn. Instead, you can use it in small, specific areas -around a kid’s play area, for example. Certain high-traffic areas in the garden often get worn out, so why not put down some artificial grass! 

You don’t have to go for a huge artificial lawn – just pick and choose the areas that need the most improvement.

16. North Facing Garden? No Problem


Real grass is a plant and therefore needs suitable growing conditions – we’re talking plenty of nutrients, well-draining soil and sunshine. Unfortunately, not all gardens are blessed with this elusive triad.

In particular, north-facing gardens can struggle to grow a lush lawn. Whilst there are grass seed mixes designed for shady areas, sometimes it’s hard to be successful no matter how hard you try. On the other hand, pop some artificial grass in there and it’ll look gorgeous all year round.

17. Tackle the Slopes


Slopes are notoriously difficult for gardeners. In particular, the grass often struggles because rain drains away leaving the top area brown and dying. On top of this, it can be a lot of effort to mow a slope, even with the help of a self-propelled lawn mower.

Artificial grass can be fixed to a slope and will stay green all year round. You won’t even have to think about it, which is quite a change compared to slopes with natural grass.

18. It Can Be Recycled


Perhaps the cherry on the cake, when it comes to artificial grass, is the fact that it can be recycled. If you were concerned about covering your garden in plastic, and were worrying about how to dispose of it later on – you can put that fear to rest!

Just double check, before buying any artificial grass, that the specific type you’re purchasing can be recycled. Also, some artificial grasses are made from recycled materials as well, something else to look out for.

19. Easy Installation


Artificial grass companies often offer installation which can save hassle. However, you can also install it yourself if you feel confident in your DIY skills. 

Smaller areas such as under a garden swing can easily be DIY installed at home.

20. It Fixes the Tricky Front Garden


Front gardens can be difficult to manage. They’re often small and awkwardly shaped, but they still need maintenance to look presentable. In particular, it can be a pain to manoeuvre the mower to the front of the house for such a small area of grass.

Installing artificial grass in your front garden cuts out a lot of work – it quickly becomes one less thing to think about. Artificial grass always looks smart and it’ll create a welcoming sight to come home to (as opposed to making you sigh when you realise the front lawn needs mowing again).

21. It Increases Property Value


There’s no denying that a house looks better with a smart garden.

Even if you love spending time outside working on the garden, you’ll find that you have loads more time for other gardening jobs if you lay down artificial grass. This can result in a very pleasing garden overall.

If you’re trying to sell your property, a green lawn can help potential buyers conjure up idyllic images of hot summer BBQs and time spent dining outdoors. Once they’re imagining that, they may as well book the removal vans!

A move to artificial grass is a good decision if you don’t have the time, or inclination, to put a lot of effort into lawn care but still want an attractive and useable garden.

Just make sure to buy good quality turf, and install it correctly, to ensure years of simple, fuss-free enjoyment in the garden.

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