Is It Cheaper To Repair Or Replace A Lawn Mower?

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Is It Cheaper To Repair Or Replace A Lawn Mower

Lawn mowers are expensive pieces of equipment vital for gardeners, so when yours breaks down, it can be a worrying time for your wallet.

If you are looking to save money, you may be wondering if it’s even worth repairing your lawn mower at all – after all, some damages are so costly to repair, that it works out cheaper to just buy a new lawn mower? Or is it?

Here, we are going to be investigating whether or not it’s cheaper to repair your lawn mower or just replace it entirely.

Is It Cheaper To Repair Or Replace A Lawn Mower?

In most cases, it’s actually cheaper to repair a lawn mower than replace it entirely – but there are many factors that can change this.

Whenever a lawn mower breaks down, the most common culprits are parts of the lawn mower that can be easily replaced or repaired (some for under £10).

On the other hand, the average cost of a lawn mower is between £200 to £300 – so the answer is a no-brainer.

Common Lawn Mower Problems And How Much It Costs To Repair Them

Whenever you are having issues with your lawn mower, you should always first try repairing or replacing the cheapest components that could be causing the issue.

Here are some common lawn mower problems and how they can each be fixed very quickly and cheaply:

Your Lawn Mower Won’t Start

If your lawn mower fails to start, don’t assume that it’s a total engine failure and the whole thing needs to go.

The most common cause of a lawn mower engine failure is that your lawn mower’s petrol is old. Your lawn mower needs fresh petrol to run so if you thought leaving last year’s petrol inside would be fine, you’d be wrong.

Try replacing the petrol with fresh fuel and give it a try.

Next, try cleaning the spark plug. A spark plug can become loose or dirty after many hours of use so take it out, clean it, and tighten it back in.

If it’s still no good, try replacing it. A new spark plug only costs around £8 in most places.

Check your air and fuel filters. These also need regular cleaning and if they are clean, try replacing them. Most lawn mower air filters cost under £5 and fuel filters range in price between as little as £2 to £7.

Your Lawn Mower Won’t Cut The Grass Properly

The whole point of a lawn mower is for it to cut your grass neatly and evenly. If it doesn’t, then there are a few solutions you can try.

Dull blades won’t cut grass evenly so the easiest course of action is to remove your lawn mower’s blades and inspect them.

Try sharpening them or replacing them entirely if there’s too much rust or nicks. Lawn mower blades range in price depending on the brand of your lawn mower but on average, they cost between £15 to £50.

Check your lawn mower’s deck. Grass can build up underneath and this reduces the quality of your grass cutting.

If your lawn mower decker shows signs of rust or has any holes in it, you can either wield new metal over it or it will need replacing. However, a lawn mower deck can cost anywhere between £100 to £200!

Your Lawn Mower Is Smoking

Lawn mowers can smoke blue or black or white smoke, and each indicates a different issue with your lawn mower. Check your air filter and replace it if it’s clogged (the average cost is usually under £5).

Check the oil seals around the engine’s lubrication system and pistons. If they are cracked or damaged, they will need replacing. These parts cost very little themselves (ranging from as little as £3 to over £10) and can be done by yourself.

Check the carburettor. A smoking lawn mower is a sign that the carburettor needs either cleaning or adjustment (you can do this yourself for free).

When To Replace Your Lawn Mower

As you can see from the information above, a lot of lawn mower problems can be fixed with basic repairs and a lot of parts are cheap to replace.

However, not all repairs are affordable and in some cases, it will be cheaper for you to just buy a new lawnmower.

For example, a total transmission replacement can cost between £250 and £1000 just for materials alone and this job is usually one for the professionals, so you would have to pay for labour on top!

As a result, most people end up getting a new lawn mower whenever their engine needs an overhaul or the transmissions need to be replaced.

Rotary pusher repair can also cost hundreds of pounds so this is another example of when it’s likely cheaper to replace your lawnmower than repair.

Take into consideration how old your lawn mower is and how much it is actually worth. There’s no point in paying hundreds of pounds repairing a budget lawn mower that is coming towards the end of its life.

READ NEXT: How to Get Rid of An Old Lawn Mower

In Summary

Most problems and issues seen in lawn mowers are easy fixes that you can do yourself and parts cost well under the price you would usually pay for a new lawn mower.

This means that in most cases, it’s much cheaper to repair your lawn mower than buy a new one – but not in every case.

If the issue with your lawn mower is something more serious, like a transmission or engine issue, then it’s likely that the cost for parts and labour to repair it will be more than what you could spend on buying a new lawn mower.

Get a quote with a tradesman and if the cost to repair your lawn mower is way more than £200-£300, then you can easily get a good replacement lawn mower for the same price!

We hope this has helped you decide whether or not to replace or repair your lawn mower. Think carefully, consider the advice above, and we’re sure you will come to the right decision!

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