25 Latest Wind Energy Statistics For The UK (2025)

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As an island nation, we’re used to the wind and rain. UK wind energy statistics show we’re starting to harness this natural form of energy to our advantage.

UK Wind Energy Statistics & Facts

  1. Electricity generation from wind power increased by 715% from 2009 to 2020. (ONS)
  2. During the last quarter of 2021, 26.1% of the total electricity generation in the UK was wind power. (National Grid)
  3. Out of this, 12% was onshore and 14% offshore wind. (National Grid)
  4. In 2020, the British electricity grid received 24.8% of its energy from wind power, behind natural gas (34.5%). (National Grid)
  5. In 2020, the UK generated 75,610-gigawatt hours of wind electricity, which is enough to power 8.4 trillion LED light bulbs. (ONS)
  6. UK’s onshore wind power capacity is 14,102 megawatts, and its offshore wind power capacity is 10,383 megawatts. (Statista)
  7. The world’s largest offshore wind farm, Hornsea 2, is located on the coast of Yorkshire. (ONS)
  8. The wind farm comprises 165 wind turbines, powering 1.4 million UK homes. (Orsted)
  9. The largest offshore wind farm in the UK by the number of turbines is the London Array, with 175 turbines. (Statista)
  10. Whitelee is the biggest onshore wind farm located on Eaglesham Moor in Scotland. (Whitelee Wind Farm)
  11. The onshore wind farm is home to 215 turbines, enough to power over 350,000 homes. (Whitelee Wind Farm)
  12. Hornsea 3 is the world’s biggest offshore wind project and, when finished, would provide renewable electricity to power 3.2 million UK homes. (The Guardian)
  13. The UK had the highest total new wind installations worth 2.3 gigawatts in 2021 in Europe. (Wind Europe)
  14. Wind power surpassed coal in the UK in 2016. (The Guardian)

UK Wind Energy: Cost

  1. Turnover from wind energy was approximately £6 billion in 2019. (ONS)
  2. The wind industry added nearly 13 thousand jobs from 2013 to 2018, bringing the total to 82,800 in 2018. (Statista)
  3. In 2022, the contract price of wind energy was nearly 6% lower than in the previous auction in 2019. (The Guardian)
  4. In the 2022 Contracts for Difference auction, offshore wind costs an average of £37.35 per MWh, and onshore wind costs an average of £42.47 per MWh. (UK Government)
  5. In 2015, wind power subsidies added an average of £18 to the annual electricity bill. (The Guardian)
  6. Domestic wind turbines could cost between £1,500 (1kW roof-mounted micro turbine) and £34,000 (6kW pole-mounted wind turbine). (The Energy Saving Trust)
  7. The Government’s current projects, which are due to start operating in 2026/27, could cut annual average bills by £58 and save an estimated £1.5 billion per year. (CarbonBrief)

UK Wind Energy: Attitudes

  1. In a survey in 2018, 66% said they support the Government building more onshore wind farms. (YouGov)
  2. New wind farms were the most popular choice for infrastructure development projects (23% in urban and 26% in rural areas), beating railway lines (22%) and housing developments (17%). (YouGov)
  3. One survey in Scotland found that 82% of people wished to increase wind energy, with 50% supporting increasing the number of turbines at their local wind farms. (MORI)
  4. The majority of Scottish also believe local wind farms had had a positive impact on their area (20%) as opposed to a negative impact (7%). (MORI)

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