How to Use a Strimmer on Long Grass

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How to Use a Strimmer on Long Grass

How to Use a Strimmer on Long Grass

It’s easy to maintain short grass with a strimmer, but if your grass is long and unruly, then you’ll need to first use your strimmer to bring it down to a manageable height. 

1. Remove Any Obstacles

It doesn’t matter whether your strimmer uses line or plastic blades – frequently hitting large objects will end up causing damage, and therefore cost you money. 

It’s hard to see obstacles in long grass, so take a walk through the area that you plan on strimming and remove any large stones and other items. Keep an eye out for hedgehogs too, as they like to hide in long grass! 

2. Start at The Edges

When cutting long grass, it’s usually best to start at an edge. This will save you from walking over the grass and trampling it down, which would then make it much more difficult to strim. 

3. Strim 1/3 at a Time

If you’re clearing an overgrown area and don’t need it to look picture-perfect once you’re done, then you can cut long grass at its base. 

However, if you’d like to turn that area into a tidy lawn, then only take a third off the top of your grass to begin with. After this, give it some water and leave it to rest for a week, before taking off a third of what’s left. This will leave you with healthier and better-looking grass once you’re done. 

4. Strim in a Scything Motion

The best way to achieve an even finish when strimming long grass is to use scything motions. This means slowly swinging your strimmer in a large arc from left to right, before bringing it back again. Although this can be tiring on the arms, it’s a very effective way to tackle long grass. 

Once your grass is at the desired height, make an effort to maintain it regularly. Not only will this keep it looking its best, but it will also save your strimmer from the wear and tear of cutting long grass. 

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