10 Unkillable Houseplants That Don’t Need Much Love!

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10 Unkillable Houseplants

Are you tired of accidentally killing your indoor plants?

Do you wish for a collection of green beauties that can survive your busy schedule or lack of a green thumb?

Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of 10 unkillable houseplants perfect for low-maintenance living, suitable for absolutely anyone.

These plants are hardy, resilient and come with a host of benefits, such as air purification, stress reduction, and aesthetic appeal.

So let’s dive into the world of unkillable indoor plants and discover how they can transform your space and improve your life.


Discovering Unkillable Indoor Plants

Imagine a world where you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of indoor plants without the constant fear of accidentally killing them.

Well, that world exists! These low-maintenance, unkillable houseplant options can survive in various lighting conditions and need minimal watering, making them perfect for busy individuals or those just starting their indoor plant journey.

Each plant on this list has unique characteristics and benefits, but they all share one thing in common – they’re tough to kill!


1. Snake Plant: The Ultimate Survivor

First on our list is the Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria or Mother-in-Law’s Tongue.

This popular plant is not only hardy and low maintenance but also comes with a plethora of benefits, including air purification by removing toxic pollutants such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene.

Snake plants are versatile when it comes to lighting conditions, and they don’t need much water – watering every two to three weeks should suffice.

They also make a great decorative addition to any space, especially when potted in a hanging basket for a lush effect.

So, if you’re looking for an ultimate survivor that can improve your life, the Snake Plant is the way to go.

READ NEXT: 7 Types of Sansevieria Plants (A Comprehensive Guide)


2. ZZ Plant: Elegant and Effortless

A beautiful image of ZZ Plant, one of the unkillable houseplants that adds elegance and requires minimal effort to maintain.

Next on our list is the elegant and effortless ZZ Plant, also known as Zamioculcas zamiifolia or Zanzibar Gem.

This hardy indoor plant originates from Eastern Africa and can survive without water for long periods, making it perfect for those who tend to forget to water their plants.

The ZZ Plant prefers shady areas, so it’s best to keep it away from direct sunlight. It only needs watering every two months while it’s growing and can do well with even less water in a darker corner of your home, such as a windowless room or bathroom. 

With its glossy leaves and elegant stems, the ZZ Plant is an excellent addition to any indoor space, even for those without a green thumb.

READ NEXT: 21 Best Plants for Rooms Without Windows


3. Golden Pothos: Rapid Growth and Air Purification

Image of a golden pothos plant in a pot with bright sunlight

If you’re looking for rapid growth and air purification, look no further than the Golden Pothos, also known as Devil’s Ivy.

This tropical plant is not only hardy but also great at purifying the air, removing harmful pollutants such as carbon monoxide.

Golden Pothos is super easy to take care of and almost impossible to kill, sitting happily in indirect sunlight or a shady spot. 

But we haven’t even got to the best part yet. The Golden Pothos is a vining plant that can be grown as a trailing plant or a climber, with support. So get your hanging planters out!

READ NEXT: 24 Types of Pothos Plants: Varieties and Care Tips


4. Cacti and Succulents: Desert Beauties

Cacti and succulents are desert plants known for their ability to store water in their leaves and handle bright sunlight exceptionally well.

These desert beauties are low maintenance and have many benefits, such as stress reduction and mood and productivity enhancement.

To ensure the health and growth of your cacti and succulents, water them every two weeks and provide them with plenty of sunlight.

These plants are great at adapting to their environment, making them an attractive and easy-to-care-for addition to your indoor jungle.


5. String of Hearts: A Touch of Romance 

Add a touch of romance to your space with the String of Hearts plant. This pretty trailing plant is easy to maintain and has stunning heart-shaped leaves, making it a delight to have in your home.

String of Hearts thrives in bright, indirect light and should be watered when the soil is dry.

You can let it trail or wrap it around in a pot for a more compact look.

Fertilise it every two weeks during the growing season and prune regularly for the best results.

With its charming appearance and low-maintenance nature, the String of Hearts is sure to steal your heart.


6. Cast Iron Plant: As Tough as Its Name

The Cast Iron Plant, as tough as its name, is a resilient and hardy plant that can withstand a variety of conditions and requires minimal care.

This plant is impressively adaptable, handling cool temperatures from 10°C up to a sizzling 29°C heat.

When it comes to this plant and watering, less is always more! To keep your Cast Iron Plant happy and healthy, water it once a month.

With proper care, your Cast Iron Plant will live for many years, becoming a long-lasting companion in your indoor space!


7. Parlour & Areca Palm

Parlour and Areca Palms are versatile and adaptable tropical plants that can thrive in different environments with next to no maintenance.

These plants can help get rid of pollutants like formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide and absorb toxic substances, such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

To take proper care of your Parlour & Areca Palms, place them in bright, indirect light, and water them once the top inch of soil is dry.

Fertilise them every two weeks during the growing season and repot them every two to three years to keep them thriving.


8. Trailing Jade Plant: One to Share!

The Trailing Jade Plant is another low-maintenance and decorative indoor plant that can add a touch of greenery to any space.

Its trailing growth habit causes its vines to cascade down a plant pot, so it’s the prime choice for a macramĂ© hanging planter or shelf.

What’s more, you can share this plant with your friends! Trailing Jade Plants are pretty easy to propagate. Simply take stem cuttings, allow them to root in well-draining soil, then give the gift of plants to your friends!

To care for your Trailing Jade Plant, place it in bright, indirect sunlight, and water it when the soil is dry.

Fertilise it once a month during the growing season and prune it regularly to keep it looking its best.


9. Dragon Tree: A Hardy Foliage Plant

If you’re into plants with symbolic meanings, this is the one for you! In folklore and mythology, the Dragon Tree is associated with good luck, strength and protection.

It’s said to bring positive energy into a space and enhance the flow of chi or life force!

It’s also one of the top air-purifying plants for indoors, making it a great addition to any unkillable plant collection.

Place your Dragon Tree in a bright spot, away from direct sunlight, and water it when the soil is dry to the touch.


10. Inch Plant

Last but not least, the Inch Plant, also known as the Wandering Jew, is a low-maintenance, fast-growing plant that adds a pop of colour to any space.

It has medicinal properties for treating various health issues and boasts antioxidant and antibacterial properties.

To care for your Inch Plant, provide it with bright, indirect light and water it when the soil is dry.

Fertilise it every two weeks during the growing season and repot it every two years to maintain its health and vibrancy.

Benefits of Unkillable Indoor Plants

Image of a person caring for their unkillable plant collection

Now that we’ve introduced you to the top 10 unkillable indoor plants let’s take a moment to appreciate the numerous benefits they offer.

Apart from their hardiness and low-maintenance nature, these plants can purify your indoor air by removing pollutants and increasing oxygen levels.

They also help reduce stress and encourage creativity, making your home a more pleasant environment to live in.

With their aesthetic appeal and the ability to thrive in various light conditions, unkillable indoor plants can brighten up darker corners of your home and serve as beautiful decorations.

So, not only do they make your space more inviting, but they also contribute to your well-being and overall quality of life.

Caring for Your Unkillable Plant Collection

While unkillable houseplants are low-maintenance and resilient, it’s still essential to provide them with the proper care to ensure they remain healthy and thriving.

In the following sections, we’ll offer tips and advice on light and location, watering practices, and potting and soil preferences for each plant.

Light and location are important for any houseplant, but especially for unkillable plants.


Light and Location

Getting the right light and location for your unkillable plants is crucial for optimal growth and health.

For example, Snake Plants and Cast Iron Plants can do well in various lighting conditions, while ZZ Plants prefer shadier areas.

On the other hand, plants like the Golden Pothos and Devil’s Ivy are versatile and can survive in most light conditions.

By understanding the specific light and location needs of each unkillable plant, you can ensure they thrive and continue to bring beauty and benefits to your space.


Watering Wisdom

Watering practices are another essential aspect of caring for your unkillable plants.

While these plants are generally low-maintenance, over- or under-watering can still lead to their demise. For instance, Snake Plants don’t need frequent watering, while ZZ Plants should be watered every two months while growing.

To avoid over- or under-watering, check the soil moisture before watering, use a moisture meter, and follow a watering schedule tailored to each plant’s needs.


Potting and Soil Preferences

Lastly, potting and soil preferences play a vital role in promoting healthy root systems and growth for your unkillable plants.

The ideal potting mix and soil vary depending on the plant type. For example, Snake Plants, cacti and succulents thrive in a fast-draining and slightly acidic soil with a pH between 5.5-7.5, while Inch Plants prefer well-draining soil.

Paying attention to the specific potting and soil preferences of each unkillable plant will help ensure they remain healthy and continue to grow. And when they’re happy, we’re happy!


Embracing unkillable indoor plants can transform your space, improve your life, and relieve you of the constant worry of accidentally killing your green companions.

With their hardiness, low-maintenance nature, and numerous benefits, these plants are a perfect addition to any home.

Whether you’re just starting your indoor plant journey or looking to expand your collection, consider incorporating these unkillable houseplants into your space.

You’ll soon enjoy the beauty, tranquillity, and well-being they bring, knowing that they’ll thrive with minimal care and attention.


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the most unkillable indoor plant?

The Snake Plant and ZZ Plant are the most unkillable indoor plants. With their ability to survive, no matter how much you neglect them, they’re an ideal choice for forgetful plant owners.


What are the easiest houseplants to keep alive?

Pothos, Spider Plants, Ponytail Palm, Chinese Evergreen, ZZ Plants, English Ivy, Barrel Head Cactus, and Air Plants are some of the easiest houseplants to keep alive.

These plants are perfect for beginner plant parents.


What are the benefits of unkillable indoor plants?

The benefits of unkillable indoor plants are clear: some help purify the air, reduce stress, and all add an attractive element to any space.

They also breathe life into a room and can last for a long time. What’s not to love?


How do I care for my unkillable indoor plants?

Caring for your unkillable indoor plants requires finding the right light and location, sticking to a watering schedule, and selecting the appropriate potting mix and soil.

It is important to find the right light for your plants. Follow the guidelines in this blog post to give your plants the best possible care.


Can unkillable indoor plants survive in low light conditions?

Yes, some unkillable plants can survive in low-light conditions. Snake Plants and Cast Iron Plants are known to do well in both bright and low-light environments.

Got a taste for houseplants and want more inspiration? Then you’ll love our blog post, The 20 Best Houseplants for Indoors.

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