Sarah Franks


  • 416 Reviews Edited
  • 514 Articles Edited
  • 2020 Year Joined

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Sarah's Backstory & Experience

There are few things I love more than being outside in the garden, and I particularly like watching the wildlife and enjoying the natural space; whether that’s keeping an eye on the tadpoles in spring, watching fledglings test their wings in summer, or checking up on the hedgehogs in autumn.

I was very fortunate to grow up with parents who were passionate about gardening, so I naturally caught on to their enthusiasm (in particular, I always enjoyed helping out on the allotment, where “snacks” in the form of peas and strawberries would often be available…!). When I got older, I began to further appreciate the joy and pride that our gardens can bring us.

As a result of this love for outdoor spaces, my role as chief editor at DIY Garden is about more than just making sure we’re literally dotting the i’s and crossing the t’s (although I’m a stickler for detail, so it’s certainly about that too!). It’s about proof-reading, fact-checking and continuously researching everything we publish, ensuring that it adheres to our editorial standards, so that everyone can really get the most out of their green space.

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