10 Best Cantilever Parasols of 2025

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The Best Cantilever Parasols

SORARA ROMA Basic Cantilever Parasol Review
  1. Best reviews - Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  2. Tested in windy conditions - Sorara Roma Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  3. Includes Base & Cover - Jarder Libra Cantilever Parasol Set[ SAVE 15% ]

  4. Cheap option - CHRISTOW Cantilever Umbrella[ CHECK PRICE ]

  5. Wall mounted - Norfolk Leisure Wall Mounted Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  6. For smaller patios - Outsunny Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  7. Best with lights - Greenbay Solar Lights Cantilver Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  8. Lots of colours - Greenbay Banana Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  9. Good UV protection - Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

  10. Also lights up - AIRWAVE Apollo Cantilever Parasol[ CHECK PRICE ]

Cantilever Parasol Reviews

  • This parasol performs really well in windy conditions, and remains stable
  • With full 360 degree rotation and 6 tilt options you can always create shade, no matter where the sun is
  • Assembly is straight forward with two people

  • Base isn't include, will need to be purchased seperately.
Canopy Size
3 x 3m
Not listed
29.4 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 5
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

There’s a clear favourite amongst us Brits, when it comes to parasols, and those are produced outdoor furniture designer Purple Leaf. Unlike plenty of brands that come and go, these guys have been serving to UK for over 20 years and have built up a solid reputation for modern designs and quality manufacturing.

Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol Decking
Source: purpleleafshop.uk

Now there are several things that I like about their flagship cantilever umbrella, which I think you will too…

Firstly, they’ve actually spent some time developing the triangular structure at the top of the pole, with the purpose of avoiding movement in the wind. If you’ve ever owned one of these before, you’ll know wind can be the biggest problem!

Next assembling big items such as parasols can be a bit daunting. You’ll often need to rope in a friend! But having helped my in-laws put up theirs, I can attest to the fact that it’s actually quite straightforward. Once the main pole is in place, you’ll feel secure in erecting the rest.

Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol Garden
Source: purpleleafshop.uk

I would recommend having a think about the base when you’re ordering one of these too. Purple Leaf have their own base, which can be filled with either sand or water (water is easier) and it’ll keep the parasol nice and secure.

A couple of other nice features to mention too is that there are several size options ranging from 2.7m x 3.3m to 3.65m x 3.65m – so no matter how big or small your space is, there’s probably a model that fits well. Plus they can also come in either grey, beige or red. For me the red is a bit too bold, but I like to other two options.

And finally, they also do a model with LED lights running along the underside of the canopy. This looks really great a night and something that’ll certainly wow your guests!

As you’d expect from any high-end parasol, the material has UV protection, is waterproof and has air vents to avoid creating a heat trap. It can also rotate 360 degrees and tilt to 6 different angle adjustments.

Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol Deck
Source: purpleleafshop.uk

In a nutshell, the Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol ticks all of the boxes for most people, and should probably be the model you buy, providing it’s still in stock! (These can get very popular around the summer months!).

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Stable in wind

2. Sorara Roma Cantilever Parasol

Tested in windy conditions

Sorara Roma Cantilever Parasol
  • At 2.5x3m, this parasol is large enough to shelter a 6-seater table
  • Initial assembly takes just 10 minutes, with the instructions easy to follow
  • The UV-blocking layer in the canopy provides sun protection of SPF 50+
  • Several adjustment options make this parasol extremely versatile
  • If you’re using the accompanying base, then this parasol feels very stable and sturdy, even in the wind

  • Doesn’t come with a base or cover - these need to be purchased separately, which adds to the overall cost of the parasol
  • Initial assembly is a little tricky with just one person - ideally, you’ll need two people on hand to set this parasol up
Canopy Size
2.5 x 3m
Not listed
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Not listed
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 5Read In-depth Review
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

With promises of being high in quality, design, and functionality, the SORARA ROMA Basic Cantilever Parasol is a popular option for people in search of a new garden umbrella. Personally, I live in a very windy part of NE Scotland and parasols can often be problematic up here, so I was eager to see if SORARA’s offering would outshine the inferior parasols that I have used in the past.

Initially assembling this parasol takes about 10 minutes. You start by filling the base (which needs to be purchased separately) with sand or water and then fitting the pieces together. Then, you attach the parasol to the base using the eight screws provided – the instructions are clear and precise, so follow these and you should be fine. While one person could set this parasol up on their own, I would highly recommend assembling it with two people, as this makes the task much easier.


This parasol offers some fantastic design features. At 2.5x3m, it’s large enough to shelter a table of six, and more than large enough to provide a bit of shade for a family to relax underneath in the summer. All of the materials used to make this parasol are clearly high-quality, from the powder-coated aluminium pole and frame to the 250g/m² polyester canvas. Speaking of the canvas, this has been fitted with a UV-blocking layer, enabling it to offer SPF 50+ sun protection.


Once you have this parasol in place, it couldn’t be easier to use. There’s a crank lever on the pole that you turn with one hand to open and close the umbrella, and if you purchase a cover for the parasol (which I would recommend doing), then you simply slide the cover over the canopy once you’re done, saving you from having to move the whole thing to a sheltered spot. Once you’re ready to use it again, whip the cover off, turn the crank, and you’ll be shielded from the sun in less than two minutes.


Adjustment options make a parasol so much more versatile, so it’s great to see that this one offers a few different variations. You can swivel the pole around to adjust the direction that the canopy points in, change the height of the umbrella, and alter the angle – there are levers in place that enable you to easily do all of this with one hand, and each adjustment takes just a second or two.


I was pleasantly surprised at how stable this parasol was. I had opted to fill my base pieces with water, and this was enough to hold everything sturdy on a relatively breezy day. Using sand instead of water gives the parasol even more weight and would likely hold it in place throughout the winter months too. If you decide not to purchase the base, then you’ll need to stabilise the parasol in some other way, whether you use weight bags or screw the legs to some decking, because the pole on its own wouldn’t be stable enough to hold the parasol up.


In terms of cost, this parasol is priced very reasonably. It offers higher-quality materials and more adjustment features than many of its competitors, yet it costs less than several of them. The only downside is that the stand and cover need to be purchased separately. However, even once you factor this in, the parasol still provides great value for money.

All in all, if you’ve been searching for a new garden umbrella to give you some summertime shade, then I would highly recommend the SORARA ROMA Basic Cantilever Parasol. It’s easy to use, versatile enough for a variety of purposes, and, most importantly, constructed from durable, sturdy, and high-quality materials. This isn’t a parasol that’s going to fall apart after one season – instead, it’s one that you’ll likely end up using again and again for several years to come.

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Also Good
  • Assembly is straight forward with clear instructions and tools included.
  • The base weights come included and can be filled with either sand or water.
  • It's easy to fill the weights with water and they can be emptied easily for the winter.
  • The cover is well designed, so it's easy to fit over the parasol when necessary.

  • The base is quite large and may get in the way, especially in smaller gardens.
  • Wind can cause the canopy to rotate, moving the shade with it.
  • If the protective cover is not used, the colour of the parasol may fade in the sun.
  • On breezier days the weights may not be sufficiently heavy with water to weight the parasol down.
Canopy Size
3m diameter
80kg (sand in base)
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.5
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

Whilst the majority of cantilever parasols require you to buy base weights separately, the Jarder Libra Parasol Set comes with weights included so there’s no need to make an additional purchase. When the parasol arrives, it’ll be ready to set up in the garden straight away without waiting for further deliveries.

As a result, this garden parasol winds up being pretty good value for money; weights can often cost around £70, which is quite a sizeable additional purchase – having them included can help things work out cheaper.

There’s also no need to buy a cover separately, either, as one comes included for the price – these are invaluable for keeping cantilever parasols secure and protected when not in use, and would otherwise be another necessary additional purchase.

Plus, it can sometimes be difficult to find complimentary items of the right size when sold separately, so it’s reassuring to know that the weights and cover will fit together from the get go, without wasting time shopping around.

In terms of the parasol itself, offering 360° rotation and various ‘tilt’ angles, it can be positioned as required – this offers you the flexibility to sit where you want, without the necessity of constantly moving to stay in the shade.

Made from hardwearing steel, the frame can stand up well to the varying challenges of the UK summer. Plus, the 3 x 3 m canopy is 180 g polyester, so even if there’s a passing shower you don’t have to go scrambling inside. Of course, if there’s any more extreme weather, the parasol should be taken down to protect both itself and anyone nearby.

One thing to bear in mind is the size of the base with weights: at 100 x 100 cm it might be a little large for some spaces, especially if required to fit around patio furniture, so it’s worth taking measurements before purchasing, especially if you’re working with a smaller space.

Overall, this is the best cantilever parasol with weights included – perfect for getting things set up straight away without having to make any additional purchases.

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  • Can be assembled in under 10 minutes.
  • Has a high-quality appearance which complements outdoor spaces.
  • It has a good level of water resistance and can protect from showers.

  • The base weights do not come included but will be required to help secure such a large parasol.
  • Can rotate around the pole if there is a breeze, meaning the canopy needs repositioning to keep it where you want it.
  • Once the base is fitted with weights it has a large footprint (over 1 m wide)so sufficient space is required.
Canopy Size
3m diameter
12.8 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.3
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

Sitting under a garden parasol doesn’t guarantee sun protection unless it has a specific UPF rating like the CHRISTOW 3m Cantilever Umbrella.

Sporting an ‘ultraviolet protection factor’ (UPF) of 30, this parasol blocks more UVA and UVB rays than standard fabric. For every 30 units of UV that reach this umbrella, only 1 unit will reach you sitting beneath it.

With an overhanging 3 m canopy, this CHRISTOW cantilever umbrella is large enough to cover larger dining areas, as well as sun loungers and paddling pools outside.

The locking level and crank handle make for a cantilever parasol that is easy to adjust, reducing the time that it takes to put up and take down the structure. There is also the possibility to ‘tilt’ the canopy, so it can  create protective shade no matter where the sun is positioned in the sky.

It’s easy to assemble, with a manageable weight of 12.8 kg – the aluminium construction helps keep things light. The canopy itself is made from 180 g polyester fabric – this is both durable and long-lasting, able to stand up to frequent use as well as the elements.

Air vents at the top help wind to flow through without lifting the umbrella; however, when there is a breeze the canopy can rotate, needing to be readjusted to keep it shading from the sun.

Overall, this cantilever parasol is a good buy if you are looking for a large, sturdy parasol that offers UPF 30 sun protection.

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  • Can be assembled in under 30 minutes by two people.
  • Closes to be very compact and tidy against the house (or whatever wall it's attached to).
  • When open can rotate to be flush with the wall, or diamond shaped, depending on preference and garden shape.
  • Avoids the problem of parasols being blown over as often happens with standing models.
  • Comes with a protective cover so no extra purchases are required.

  • Parasol can't be tilted so there is less choice over what angles can be used.
  • Some choose to buy more heavy-duty bolts than ones provided, for stronger wall attachment, but this is personal preference.
Canopy Size
2 x 2m
8 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
No base
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.4
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

In smaller gardens with less space available, having a parasol with a large footprint can be really limiting. That’s why the Norfolk Leisure Wall Mounted Parasol is a great choice for small spaces; with no base or pole to get in the way, this parasol neatly mounts on any wall, ingeniously providing shade without taking up floor space.

The 2 x 2 m canopy also functions well in gardens that have a lot of trees, fences, or other obstacles. Standard parasol canopy size tends to be 3 m² +, which can be overbearing in gardens with limited space, but this Norfolk Leisure Cantilever Parasol is much more manageable.

Fortunately, the manufacturers have clearly taken the great British weather into account when designing this umbrella as well – made of 220 g polyester it creates decent shade when the sun hits, but is also showerproof for those inevitable cloud bursts. It won’t fade in the sunlight either, which means the contemporary, stylish grey colour remains reliably modern and fresh.

Although there is no ‘tilt’ mechanism, the crank handle makes it easy to put up and down, and it can be shifted from side to side depending on where the sun is. A cover is also provided, meaning the parasol can be folded down neatly at the side of the house when not in use.

One further point in this parasol’s favour is the fact that it can’t be blown over which can sometimes be a problem with standing models. No parasol base weights needs to be purchased separately and it can be less hassle to use in areas that are susceptible to a lot of wind or drafts.

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6. Outsunny Cantilever Parasol

For smaller patios

best cantilever parasol Outsunny Cantilever Parasol
  • Direction of rotation can be clockwise or anti-clockwise - suitable for many different garden types.
  • Good ground clearance of 2 m (at lowest point of canopy).
  • Has the potential to be water resistant even under heavier rain.

  • Weights are required but are not included with the purchase of the parasol.
  • Without purchasing a weighted base the parasol will easily blow over.
  • The canopy can squeak/creak as it moves in the breeze - silicon spray may help this problem.
Canopy Size
2.5 x 2.5m
18 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Not listed
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.3
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

The Outsunny 2.5 x 2.5 m Cantilever Parasol is a freestanding with a slightly smaller canopy than other models featured on this page. It’s one of the best cantilever parasols for smaller gardens where a wall-mounted fixture wouldn’t be practical.

Able to rotate through 360°, with 5 adjustable tilt angles, you can achieve full shade coverage no matter where the sun is in the sky, or where you’re sitting in relation to the parasol. The crank mechanism has a solid handle for winding the canopy in and out, and the rotation is achieved using a foot pedal.

The polyester fabric is relatively water resistant, so during light showers it should offer adequate protection – this is particularly useful if the garden parasol is being used to cover outdoor dining tables, bearing in mind the UK’s changeable summer climate.

Very reasonably priced compared to some other cantilever parasols, this Outsunny model offers good value for money considering how many ways it can be adjusted.

Weights for the base still need to be bought separately, as is the case with most cantilever parasols, so a lower initial purchase price is certainly a bonus.

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  • Provides sufficient coverage for 4 - 6 patio chairs.
  • The LED wires are enclosed in the spokes of the canopy, meaning they don't catch or rub on the fabric (which can create holes).
  • The lights are sufficiently bright enough to provide a basic light source outside.

  • When the parasol is down and covered, the solar panel will be covered too so the lights won't charge.
  • Does not come with weights so they need to be purchased separately and fit correctly.
  • If there is too much wind, the parasol becomes unstable meaning the lights can't be used either.
Canopy Size
3m diameter
15 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Not listed
Overall Score 4.1
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

Whether you’re having a family gathering in the daytime, or friends over for an evening soiree, the Greenbay Cantilever Parasol with Solar LED Lights is the perfect accompaniment to the party – just as useful in the night-time as it is in the day, its 3 x 3 m canopy is fitted with 32 LED lights.

During daylight hours, this large canopy creates a decent amount of shade – sufficiently covering the majority of patios. The 200 g polyester fabric doesn’t have specific UV protection, but it’s thick enough to act as a standard shade from the sun.

Then, when night draws in, the solar-powered lights can be switched on, with four LEDs positioned on each spoke of the canopy, creating a warm ambience under the outdoor shelter. These lights charge during the day, and are sufficiently bright to act as a secondary light source during the evenings.

Although there’s no ‘tilt’ feature on this Greenbay Cantilever Parasol, it can rotate through 360° and adequately intercepts the sun from most positions – when the sun is low in the sky it may not be quite as effective. At 15 kg (without weights added, which will be necessary for stability), it’s not too heavy to move around if needed, either.

Overall, this is the best cantilever parasol if you want something that will be perfect for entertaining; both the lighting and size make this an excellent model for hosting parties and charming guests.

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8. Greenbay Banana Parasol

Lots of colours

best cantilever parasol Greenbay Banana Parasol
  • Assembly is quick so the parasol can be used on the same day it arrives.
  • Protects from drizzle/light rain as well as sun.
  • A good size to provide shade for 6 people.

  • No base weights included but need to be bought separately in order to use parasol.
  • Parasol can move quite a lot even in lighter wind - needs to be taken down sooner than other similar models.
  • The stand is quite large - it can take up a lot of space in smaller areas.
Canopy Size
3m diameter
13.6 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.4
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

The Greenbay 3m Banana Parasol requires limited assembly and can easily be put up or down depending on the weather. It’s an inexpensive option that offers great value for money.

If the sun goes in, the 3 x 3 m parasol can be closed using the crank winding mechanism (and then quickly opened again when it suddenly decides to reappear!). The angle of the umbrella adjusts easily too, allowing shade to be continually created as the sun moves throughout the day.

With a crisp, cream finish, this Greenbay parasol complements the majority of gardens, fitting in well with other garden furniture. The colour is also reminiscent of the cantilever parasols frequently seen on relaxing Mediterranean holidays, bringing a similar sense of calm to the back garden.

It’s advisable to store this cantilever parasol away on windy days or if there’s any extreme weather looming. Whilst otherwise strong and well constructed, it can move a lot when things get breezy. 

One other thing to be aware of is how much space the base with weights attached will take up – it measures over 1 m across, so it’s worth being sure that you have the room to accommodate this.

Overall, considering the design, construction quality and price, this is one of the best value cantilever parasols on the UK market.

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9. Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol

Good UV protection

best cantilever parasol Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol
  • Decent size to provide coverage for a four-seat patio set.
  • Suitable for one person to put up on their own.
  • There is an option to screw base into ground if preferred for more stability.

  • Not all weights will be suitable for this base, so bases need to be well researched before purchase.
  • Quite a lot of strength is required to raise and lower the parasol.
  • May not cope well in anything other than a light breeze.
Canopy Size
2.7m diameter
14 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Overall Score 4.2
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

If colour schemes are important in your garden, or you’re looking for a garden parasol that will add a bit of variety to your landscape, the Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol comes in a range of attractive colours. It’s a great way to provide shade for your patio whilst also acting as a decorative feature (plus, did I mention it’s the best budget option?).

With four different colours to choose from, including beige and orange, there are options available for both the understated, modern garden and those with livelier themes. In fact, with colours like dark blue on offer as well, it’s even possible to tailor the canopy to match the colours of the flowers in the garden.

Providing general protection from the sun, this parasol doesn’t have a specific UPF rating; however, it creates standard shade coverage which can still reduce the heat felt from the sun’s rays. It’s also water resistant, so any passing showers will run off the waterproof 180 g polyester canopy without the necessity to dash inside.

This cantilever parasol is relatively lightweight, making it fairly easy to move in and out of storage. The powder-coated steel pole isn’t as light as aluminium, but it’s durable and won’t rust quickly, plus, the steel umbrella ribs don’t buckle in the breeze.

Thanks to the crank system, it can be put up and down without too much fuss and is easy to adjust depending on the current weather.

It’s one of the best cantilever parasols for those on a budget, coming up a lot cheaper than the majority of garden parasols out there. It may not be quite as sturdy as some, but it’s good value for the price.

Seeing as weights don’t come included, these will need to be purchased separately before the parasol is ready to use.

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  • Easy to assemble with clear and simple instructions.
  • The lights can last for 4+ hours without fading.
  • The large canopy offers good and reliable coverage on a calm day.

  • Must be used with base weights as quite unstable without - they need to be bought separately.
  • When there is a breeze the parasol can rotate by itself, causing the shade to move.
  • The tilt function can require some trial and error to work out.
Canopy Size
3m diameter
13 kg
Number of Ribs
Canopy Material
Base Material
Water Resistant
Weights Included
Cover Provided
UV Resistant
Not listed
Overall Score 4.4
Ease of Use
Adjustment Ease
Assembly Ease
Value for Money

For a garden parasol that will take you seamlessly from sunny days to balmy nights, the AIRWAVE Apollo 3m Cantilever Parasol is large and offers good protection. With illuminating LED lights on the inside, it’s also one of the best cantilever parasols you can buy for a bit of wow-factor!

These solar-powered LED spotlights charge during the day, providing up to 4 hours of ambient lighting at the flick of a switch when the sun goes down. They can also be powered by 1 x AA battery for longer evenings. If you’re looking to create a cosy outdoor seating area, this parasol helps define the space and create an attractive environment in the garden.

Plus, during the day, this delux cantilever parasol is equally useful; it’s lightweight and easy to adjust so you can sit in a shady spot no matter where the sun is. The large canopy can tilt and rotate around the pole, providing good coverage.

Although not waterproof, this parasol is water resistant and protects from the odd drizzle – well suited to the British summertime when you’re never quite sure where the next shower will come from.

The pole is rust-resistant so won’t get damaged from rain either, and the cross base is fairly well-balanced – it does need to be weighted down with four weights of around 15 – 20 kg each though.

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Alina's Smart Buying Tips

  1. If you’re working from home, a cantilever parasol will let you take the office outside during summertime. The best cantilever parasols have adjustable angle mechanisms, offering shade from the sun no matter its position in the sky. These parasols will also keep you covered during weekend lunches, and protect the kids as they play outside.
  2. You’ll want to look for a model with UV protection, with a rating of at least UPF 30+. Consider a parasol that offers UPF 50+ if you want increased protection for your family. Most parasol canopies are made from heavyweight polyester, and you should aim for a polyester that is minimum 180 g/m².
  3. Ensure the frame is made from rust-resistant steel, and ideally look for a model with a water-resistant canopy. Although these parasols will predominantly be used during fair weather, sudden downpours are never off the cards!
  4. In terms of size, you’ll find that a large canopy measuring 2.5 x 3 m is enough to cover a six-person dining table. A smaller 2 x 2 m parasol will comfortably cover two deckchairs. If you’re short on floor space in the garden, opt for a wall-mounted parasol. Alternatively, the real benefit of a free-standing cantilever parasol is that it can be moved around as desired.
  5. You’ll need base weights to keep your parasol secure. These don’t always come included, but it’s more practical if they do. Base weights are best filled with sand, although water is also an option. Alternatively, you could use sandbags.

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  • Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol
    best cantilever parasol Purple Leaf Double Top Deluxe Cantilever Parasol
    • 5
    • 3 x 3m
    • Not listed
    • 29.4 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes
    • Yes
  • Sorara Roma Cantilever Parasol
    Sorara Roma Cantilever Parasol
    • 5
    • 2.5 x 3m
    • Not listed
    • 35kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Not listed
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    • No
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    • 4.5
    • 3m diameter
    • 3m
    • 80kg (sand in base)
    • 6
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • No
    • Yes
    • Yes
    • Yes
  • CHRISTOW Cantilever Umbrella
    best cantilever parasol CHRISTOW Cantilever Umbrella
    • 4.3
    • 3m diameter
    • 2.4m
    • 12.8 kg
    • 6
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • Yes
    • No
    • No
    • Yes
  • Norfolk Leisure Wall Mounted Cantilever Parasol
    best cantilever parasol Norfolk Leisure Wall Mounted Cantilever Parasol
    • 4.4
    • 2 x 2m
    • 50cm
    • 8 kg
    • 14
    • Polyester
    • No base
    • Yes
    • No
    • Yes
    • Yes
  • Outsunny Cantilever Parasol
    best cantilever parasol Outsunny Cantilever Parasol
    • 4.3
    • 2.5 x 2.5m
    • 2.5m
    • 18 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Not listed
    • Yes
    • No
    • No
    • Yes
  • Greenbay Solar Lights Cantilver Parasol
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    • 4.1
    • 3m diameter
    • 2.5m
    • 15 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • No
    • No
    • No
    • Not listed
  • Greenbay Banana Parasol
    best cantilever parasol Greenbay Banana Parasol
    • 4.4
    • 3m diameter
    • 2.5m
    • 13.6 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • Yes
    • No
    • No
    • Yes
  • Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol
    best cantilever parasol Costway Outdoor Cantilever Parasol
    • 4.2
    • 2.7m diameter
    • 2.45m
    • 14 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • Yes
    • No
    • No
    • Yes
  • AIRWAVE Apollo Cantilever Parasol
    best cantilever parasol AIRWAVE Apollo Cantilever Parasol
    • 4.4
    • 3m diameter
    • 2.5m
    • 13 kg
    • 8
    • Polyester
    • Steel
    • Yes
    • No
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How to Choose The Best Cantilever Parasol

Cantilever parasols are a great, versatile option for creating shade in the garden.

They have a multitude of uses: providing shade over picnic tables, sun loungers or even paddling pools for the little ones.

So, if you’re looking for an effective garden parasol which works well when up, but can also be easily stored, you should get yourself a cantilever parasol.

The following tips will help you make an informed purchase.

What Size Cantilever Parasol is Best?

The best cantilever parasol for you is, of course, the one which will fit in the space you have available.

There are three main considerations when purchasing one of these cantilever parasols:

  • How much space do you have on your patio/in your garden?
  • How much shade coverage do you need?
  • How much storage space do you have?

The majority of the best cantilever parasols that I have reviewed in this list have a 3 m canopy. This is quite common, and is a generous size. It gives enough shade for several people to sit comfortably under. Of course, if you can angle the canopy, you can create a longer shadow and more shade, which is a plus.

Bigger and smaller canopies are also available.

READ NEXT: How to Measure a Parasol Canopy

Sometimes the parasol height will vary, and it may or may not be extendable. Keep an eye on the product specifications to see how tall the cantilever parasols you are thinking about buying are. It goes without saying, but it’s always best to check measurements before buying (and not when trying to squeeze your new parasol into your shed!). If you’re wondering where to place your parasol, check out these tips on positioning your cantilever parasol.

When it comes to finding a parasol to fit your garden space, you have a couple of options. Most of the best cantilever parasols in this list are free standing. As a result, they take up some (but not much!) floor space. That said, there is another way: the Norfolk Leisure Cantilever Parasol attaches to the wall, thus taking up no floor at all. This is a great space-saving move if you’re a bit short on ground area.

For more information about what size parasol to buy, check out our Parasol Size Guide.

Should You Buy a ‘Set’ or Just a Cantilever Parasol?

Cantilever Parasols are great for protecting us from the sun in hot weather. This much we know. But, of course, we’re also aware that the weather in the UK isn’t always reliably fair.

When buying a parasol, it’s necessary to consider how to protect it from the weather. This normally includes buying a cover, to protect your canopy from wind damage and fading; and some weights. These are added to the parasol base and stop it blowing over.

These items can be bought separately, or, if you buy your parasol as part of a ‘set’, like the Jarder Libra Parasol Set, you’ll get them all together.

The benefit of buying a set is that these items can be quite expensive when bought separately. Therefore, a set can help keep costs low. Furthermore, if you buy these items separately, you have to go to the extra effort of making sure they all fit your parasol correctly. In a set, compatibility is ensured.

That said, when you buy a set, you have to take what you’re given. Purchasing a set may mean that you don’t have as many colour options as when buying items separately. Equally, you have to be careful that the items are not of lower quality because they are being sold together. It’s a good idea to check reviews to find this out.

Look Out for UV Protection

Keeping safe in the sun is generally the number one reason to buy a parasol. With keeping cool as a close second.

The problem is, that just because you’re in the shade, doesn’t necessarily mean you’re protected from the sun’s harmful UV rays.

When a parasol’s canopy does not have UV protection, the sun’s rays could still be harming your skin through the umbrella.

Making sure that the cantilever parasol you are thinking about buying has UPF protection is important. It’s something to look out for especially if you sit outside a lot or have young children.

READ NEXT: How to Clean Your Garden Parasol

What Functions to Look For

Cantilever Parasols can be surprisingly multi-functional.

Firstly, the basics: look out for a crank mechanism. This will make it easy to raise and lower your parasol. A smooth, robust mechanism will do wonders.

Secondly, a canopy that has the ability to ‘tilt’, and can be adjusted, will make it easier to block the sun at any angle. This is especially helpful if you want to spend long periods outside throughout the day; you can keep up with the changing angle of the sun.

Lastly, if you’re interested in having a parasol with an added ‘wow’ factor, you may want to look out for one with features like lights inside the canopy. This can create a really special ambiance and can be a great way to make use of your parasol even when night draws in. You can also put lights inside the parasol yourself.

READ NEXT: How To Stop Your Parasol Blowing Over

Cantilever Parasol FAQs

The following table offers a rough guide to recommended parasol base weights

Parasol Size Base Weight
2 m 60 kg
2 m, 2.1 m and 2.3 m 60 – 65 kg
2.5 m and 2.7 m 65 – 70 kg
3 m and 3 m x 2 m 70 – 80 kg
3m x 4m 100 kg
4 m+ 100 kg+

To get the best out of your cantilever parasol it is wise to lower the canopy and use a protective cover at night and during adverse weather conditions. This will protect the canopy from damage and from fading. During the winter months, it is best to store your parasol in a dry place such as a garage or shed as this will protect the metal parts from rust and corrosion.

Cantilever parasols tend to have a relatively secure stand and base (unless you’ve bought a wall-attaching parasol, of course!). That said, they will need to be secured if it is windy.

It’s advisable to place your parasol on firm, flat ground if you want it to be really secure. Cantilever parasols will work on grass, but the uneven ground will likely make them unsteady. Concrete is more appropriate terrain.

Purchase a weighted base to make sure your parasol doesn’t topple or blow around in the wind.

Garden parasols vary and you should refer to your manufacturer’s handbook, but here is some general advice:

  1. Unsure the canopy is not tilted
  2. Turn the crank handle counter-clockwise
  3. With your other hand, gently support the main frame bracket as it comes down
  4. When the canopy is fully closed, stop turning the crank
  5. Affix cover if using one

Yes, all cantilever parasols will sway in the wind to a certain extent. If yours is swaying a little too much, you can attach wind stabilisers to provide extra anchor points. If it’s your parasol’s pole that’s spinning in the wind, then you’ll need to weigh this down more – most parasols will have an accompanying base that will hold the pole steady.

Cheaper, low-quality cantilever parasols won’t last for very long – you’ll be lucky if you get one season’s use out of them. However, go for a higher-quality model and it could easily last you for several years, even with daily use.

There are a few things that you can do to stop your cantilever parasol from spinning, such as:

  • Make sure that the locking mechanism is functioning properly. If your parasol doesn’t have one, then it could be worth installing one
  • Use bungee cords to secure the pole to a stationary object, like a fence
  • Use a different base (find one that has been designed for your parasol)
  • Screw the base to decking or a patio
  • Give the base extra weights for added stability – sandbags or concrete blocks should work

This depends on the cantilever parasol that you’re using. Models that are fitted with wind stabiliser bars should be able to withstand a steady wind of up to 30mph. However, a standard parasol without the extra wind support will only be able to hold up to gusts of around 20mph.

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